Repairing the Broken Walls
"You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings." Is 58:12
Prayer Walking in the South Bronx
Assigned the South Bronx, our group's objective was to walk around the neighborhood and to pray. But we all knew that when you release a bunch of Reliefers to the streets, any number of things could happen. So we checked our expectations at the door and showed up, ready for what God had in store.
As we walked we ran into some familiar faces, but then passed by the home of a friend in need, a van parked in a lot. He was sound asleep in his sleeping bag and we were unable to wake him. So, pausing on the other side of the chain link fence, we prayed for help and for resurrection, of both mind and body, because it was very cold the night before, and you just never know.
Continuing our prayerful walk, we passed the Missionaries of Charity and a few other programs we refer people to, and then a cell phone rang. Our friend had arisen; we invited him to eat lunch with us. This man, a broken carpenter, shared struggles over a Dominican meal. Worn hands grasped for straws even as encouragement and tough love flowed from the brothers gathered around the table; resurrection life offered by way of small choices. May we all choose life!