Jerusalem, Jerusalem
“Those who trust in, lean on, and confidently hope in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides and stand fast forever. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about His people from this time forth and forever.”
Jerusalem: the city where it all began and where it will all begin again. I knew that the day I set foot in Jerusalem would mark me, I just didn't know how much. And they were all filled (diffused throughout their souls) with the Spirit. As I wandered through ancient streets, paused in conversation with Him at a wall, laid prostrate in an upper room, my Beloved whispered in my ear and in my heart so many things. A little more than a year ago He told me, "follow the ancient paths," and I am discovering more of His desire for humanity along the way. It wrecks me continually to feel, experience, and carry His heart.
Watching day breaking over the Mount of Olives and Mount Zion from the rooftop.
One year ago I first set foot in this region not having a clue what He had in store, just following a heartbeat. I still don't have a clue, but He is abundantly worth it, and I am more in love with Him than ever.
Wandering through the Old City in the cool of the morning, with my Beloved whispering secrets in my ear. As I walk through Jerusalem I sense Him with me, showing me the city that is so dear to His heart, a city connected to the destiny of the whole earth!
I was not prepared for what being at the Western Wall would do to me. Palms and forehead planted against the well-worn stone, I could have stood there in His presence forever. It was impossible not to weep.
I went to the upper room and God crashed in. And I realized that my life makes no sense, it really is a mystery. But a mystery where I expect to see blind eyes see, un-hearing ears opened, and lame feet walk.
Night walks through quiet streets scented with jasmine and other flowers were so soothing for my soul.
At Damascus Gate. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving. He turns even tears into shouts of joy!