The newest member of one of the families we visit in the community.
“The measure of our compassion lies not in our service to those on the margin, but only in our willingness to see ourselves in kinship with them.”
I stumbled upon the substance of the above truth in my days serving on the streets of New York City, and the reality only grows as I spend time with the people Papa has given me here in the desert. When I look into the changed countenance of my Syrian Mama, play games with an energetic 3 year old nephew, and listen to the whatsapp messages left for me on my phone from my sisters, deliver a food package or milk for a baby, I find that I am changed by Love. Life is very simple here; we give and share what we have, and sometimes what we don't. In the process treasures appear in the desert in the form of relationships.
Sometimes when I think about it, I am certain that I am the richest person in the world in the family Papa has given me here and around the world. He has stopped for me and shown me compassion by putting me in family, and I get to return the favor! I have the best job in the whole world!
My Syrian Mama with a gift all the way from Papua New Guinea!
Her name means joy & joy we had in being reunited!