Set Free
Sometimes the sheer grace and mercy of Him who loves us is far too much to take in. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask, think, and dream. There are moments in this life when the veil is torn, our eyes opened with the blinding light of truth, and our hearts know in a deeper way the joy given to returning prodigals.
I live on the edge of a warzone in the natural, and in the very thick of it in the spiritual.Last month I hit a wall dealing with my own brokenness as well as the secondhand trauma of what I do & the environment in which I live. I continue to learn that when brokenness appears around me and within me, that it is not something to run from, but rather to run towards, because the Healer is near, and He's going to do something.
I was offered an opportunity to come away to receive deep heart healing, and I took it; the result was freedom from shame, fear, and control, from the cycles that had bound me, and consequently some of the major strongholds in the land I currently call home.
“You are a hiding place for me; You Lord preserve me from trouble, You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance. Selah.”
What has come with His song of deliverance is a new depth of heart-understanding of true righteousness through His blood, a righteousness that is accompanied by peace and joy, and that changes everything.
Standing without shame in complete innocence like in the Garden is the rightest-standing we can possibly have, and it is not accomplished by our own effort. It was what God was after when He made us new by His sacrifice. It cancels the curse in our lives, and it's effects reverberate farther than we can imagine, even to cancel the curse over a land ravaged by war and people bound by deep pain.
Yesterday I visited a home where the women and children daily experience violence from their husband/father, and the children end up being really rough with us when we enter their home. Two littles ones with special needs and their siblings pummel us in their intense need for love & security that has never been met. As one with a heart wholly healed and protected by the Father, I am able to bring love into the midst of their home, and watch it change the atmosphere. Hitting, biting, crying is met with firm embraces, loving eye-contact, and gentle words. Where the enemy has only invoked damage, we carry the healing balm of God's presence. Where He is, there is always freedom.
Your love reaches to the heavens!
Walking in the forest with the Father.
New glasses, and new eyes to see.
Wisked away in His arms of love.
Discovering new depths of His affection.
The heavens declare His goodness.